Monday, March 20, 2006

Quarter century

I'm coming round to my 25th birthday this Sunday. Shortly after my one year blogging anniversary will arise, followed by my two year anniversary with the 'betes. In honor of that anniversary, I've signed up to run my first 5k. It's just two days after the anniversary of going into intensive care and having a friend call my parents, over 1,000 miles away, to tell them their daughter was in the hospital and now has type 1 diabetes. But I'll wait another month to post more about that.

This week I'm busy with job number 1 and job number 2, as well as a hair cut, laundry, brewing our 6th batch of beer, hair cut, working out and getting ready for my boy to arrive on Friday night. I've been so happily busy lately that my diabetes has been on the back burner in my mind. My blood sugars have been average enough for me to put the 'betes back there, so I'm happy with that. The steady exercise for the past month or so has really helped to level things out. Working out 3-4 times a week makes me feel so damn good!

In sad news, my iPod bit the dust. I bought it just over 1 year ago (read: my warranty is no longer!), had to replace the whole thing (for free!) when it crashed about 6 months ago and, low and behold, it's crashed again. All attempts to fix it on my own have failed. $300 down the drain. I won't buy an apple product again. And what am I supposed to do when I go work out?! I still plan on visiting the apple store to harass someone about this... But for the time being I'm sadly without music.

Friday, March 03, 2006


I'm feeling good today. I had a great workout last night, running 30 minutes on the treadmill and feeling light as air (please note that this NEVER happens). I normally feel like crap when I'm running and only do it for how I feel afterwards. But last night was different and I really enjoyed it. Amazing!

My sinuses are slightly clearer. This could be because the steroid nose spray is working better, or it could just be in my mind. Either way, I feel a little better.

To top it off my blood sugars have been great for over a week. Yesterday I went to bed at 104, woke up at 98 and after breakfast of peanut butter toast was 104. After weeks of waking up at 160 and then having a post breakfast of 250+ this is great.

I'm also only work a half day today because I'm flying to Minneapolis to be with my boy this weekend. He's got a great weekend planned with lots of good restaurants and museums. I'm just excited to see him after three weeks away.

And with that I wish you all a fantabulous weekend!

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